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Antropologi Sastra Dalam Cerita Rakyat Gadis Bermata Biru Dan Tolire Ma Gam Jaha 3. 4 No. Jan 20, 2022 · Totobuang, 6(1), 109. 332. Similar Articles. No. and 4. (2008). “Representasi Korban Kekerasan dalam Teks Berita Daring Tribun Timur: Analisis Wacana Kritis”. (2018). This research is descriptive qualitative research. Badara, Aris. Totobuang editors accept article submission from researchers, experts, academician, and teachers of language and literature. (2015). A. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Similar Articles Harlin Turiah, PENGGUNAAN BAHASA INDONESIA PADA MEDIA MASSA DI KOTA AMBON [The Usage of Bahasa Indonesia on Mass Media at Ambon Town] , TOTOBUANG: Vol. iye, r. Naskah Pengobatan Usada di Bali dan Problematika Pemurnian Teks. Similar Articles risman iye, - Karim, PRAANGGAPAN PAMFLET SOSIALISASI PELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN DI KABUPATEN WAKATOBI [The Prejudice in The Environmental Conservatiom Pamphlet at Wakatobi. Tenriawali, A. 10 No. Damaging the environment and high level of fish exploitation are feared for the extinction of fish habitats. 0 International License. “Analisis Nilai Budaya dalam Cerita Rakyat Maluku Air Tukang” dalam Jurnal Totobuang Volume 8 Nomor 2. Implikatur Percakapan dalam Wacana Rubrik Gojeg pada Majalah Djaka Lodang Edisi Tahun 2013. Komariyah, N. TOTOBUANG; Swearing words or curse are a part of the communication that exists in a language. 1 (2022): totobuang, edisi juni 2022 / articles an expressive speaking actions in pontianak dialc malay in short films on kamil onte official youtube channel tindak tutur ekspresif bahasa melayu dialek pontianak dalam film pendek pada channel youtube kamil onte officialWebTotobuang, Vol. Dr. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative. Musik ini merupakan musik khas warga yang tinggal di wilayah mayoritas Kristen. KANTOR BAHASA MALUKU P-ISSN : 23391154 E-ISSN : 25976184 . Analisis Data Kualitatif: Buku Sumber Tentang Metode-Metode Baru. , M. PERPUSTAKAAN KANTOR BAHASA PROVINSI MALUKUKesantunan dalam bertutur juga dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan di sekitar petutur karena setiap tuturan tidak terlepas dari konteksnya. KANTOR BAHASA MALUKU P-ISSN : 23391154 E-ISSN : 25976184 . 1 (2019): totobuang, edisi juni 2019 / Articles KEEFEKTIFAN MODEL EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS PUISI NARATIF SISWA KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 2 DUA PITUE KABUPATEN SIDRAP [The Effectiveness of The Experiential Learning Model in Writing Learning The Narrative Point of The VIII Class Student of The 2 Dua Pitue Kabupaten. “Language Use: An Analysis of Assertive Acts Used by The Eleventh Grade Students of Sma Negeri 3 Singaraja”. 2 (2016):. Similar Articles yulfi zawarnis, ANALISIS STRUKTUR KAMUS DWIBAHASA LAMPUNG—INDONESIA [Structural Analysis of The Lampung—Indonesian Bilingual Dictionary] , TOTOBUANG: Vol. 0 International License. The Analysis of Ellipsis in the Novel the Short Second Life of Bree Jurnal Totobuang, 6(2). Secara geografis, Kota Bandung terletak berada pada posisi 107º36’ Bujur Timur dan 6º55’ Lintang Selatan. 5 No 2 November 2009, ISSN 1907-204X) _____. Google Scholar Garuda Website Editor URL. Vol. Iye, R. Ambon: Kantor Bahasa Maluku. 2 (2020): TOTOBUANG, EDISI DESEMBER 2020 / Articles KARAKTERISTIK SASTRA POPULER DALAM NOVEL METROPOP RESIGN! KARYA ALMIRA BASTARI [Popular Literature Characteristics in. (2011). The method was descriptive. 6, No. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Herdiansyah, H. ekonomi makro review jurnal internasional dan jurnal nasional tentang pengembangan industri musik kreatif daerah pada era revolusi 4. “Motif dan Tipe dalam Cerita Rakyat Kepulauan Aru” dalam Jurnal Totobuang Volume 5 Nomor 1. 2 (2022): TOTOBUANG, Edisi Desember 2022 / Articles Analisis Wacana terhadap Teks Argumentatif Persuasif dalam Video Iklan Investasi Ternak Uang dan Bibit Discourse Analysis of Argumentative Persuasive Text in Investment Advertisement Video of Ternak Uang and BibitWebJudul: STILISTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra ISSN: 1978-8800 (print), 2614-3127 (online) Akreditasi: Grade 4 (Sinta 4) - Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (105/E/KPT/2022) Frekuensi Terbitan: Januari dan Juli Terindeks: Crossref, GARUDA, Google Scholar, Indonesia OneSearch, ROAD, SINTA Kerjasama:. Journal History; Contact Us; Accreditation . Alat musik ini merupakan gong yang jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu Ambon akan disebut sebagai totobuang. 9 No. Leech, Geoffrey. WebJurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 0 International License. This research is qualitative research using descriptive. 0 International License. Metode Riset Sumber Daya Manusia, Jember: Graha Ilmu. Standar Layanan dan Maklumat Pelayanan. KANTOR BAHASA MALUKU P-ISSN : 23391154 E-ISSN : 25976184 . Vol 5, No 2. This assumption is clearly based on the condition in which the community is still very strong in maintaining the customs and traditions related to the religious and Sufistic patterns of the tarekat. 0 International License. WebKEMBARA: Jurnal Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 1(2), 198–204. KANTOR BAHASA MALUKU P-ISSN : 23391154 E-ISSN : 25976184 . Journal By Google Scholar All: Since 2018: Citation: 346. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. ADITYA-Pendidikan. How to Cite. WebThis study aims to review the phenomenon foreign terms using on sign boards at airports and ports in Ambon City. Yusdianti. 11 No. 02. Nilai Pendidikan Karakter yang Tercermin dalam Syair Sultan Syarif. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis wacana kritis Model Fairclough. How to Cite Muslimin, M. 36 A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126 Pos-el:. WebTotobuang, Vol. The perspective, the way of life and activity of traditional community is inseparable from. Praktik kejahatan tersebut sudah lama terjadi dan selalu mengalami perkembangan. 8 No. Jul 21, 2019 · The objectives of this research were (1) to know that the clustering technique is able to improve students writing skill. 2018. This classroom action research is descriptive quantitative research conducted in class III Public Elementary School Kedunghalang 3, totaling 28 people consisting of 14 male students and 14 female students. Erniati Erniati, KARAKTERISTIK DAN DISTRIBUSI FONEM BAHASA WOIRATA DI KABUPATEN MALUKU BARAT DAYA [Language. Konsep Pertentangan Dalam Film" Aisyah Biarkan Kami Bersaudara" Karya Herwin Novianto. “Teks, Cerita, dan Transformasi Kreatif” dalam jurnal Kebudayaan Kalam Edisi X. 0 International License. WebJurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 1 (2016): TOTOBUANG, EDISI JUNI 2016 / Articles DISTRIBUSI FONEM BAHASA DI PULAU SAPARUA: DATA NEGERI SIRISORI ISLAM [Phoneme Distribution of Language in Saparua Island]. Totobuang editors accept article submission from researchers, experts, academician, and teachers of language and literature. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial. Similar Articles Siti Komariyah, RELASI MAKNA KESINONIMAN NOMINA DALAM TINGKAT TUTUR BAHASA MADURA [Noun Synonymies Relation Meaning in Speech Level of Madurese] , TOTOBUANG:. Jurnal Sastra Indonesia (JSI), 3 (1) Heryanto, Ariel. Jurnal Totobuang. 113-119. (2008). 7 No. The data was the speeches between sellers pakasam with buyers. Abstract This study aims to identify the type of narrator in the novel “Kami Bukan Generasi Bacot” by J. 2013. Using an imagination approach in discourse and action (Riceour 1993), this study reveals several aspects and the strategies of imagination of communication in children's films. 0 International License. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative. (2020). Vol. 0 International License. Ambon: Kantor Bahasa Maluku. The storytelling aspect of children's literature is not entirely about this. (1988). 1 (2023): totobuang: edisi juni 2023 / articles onomastika di negeri hatalai, kecamatan leitimur selatan, kota ambontugas individu. The Functional Analysis of English: A Hallidayan Approach (2ed). 6, No. Jurnal. 11 no. totobuang Volume 7 Nomor 1, Juni 2019 Halaman 43 — 56 PERBANDINGAN POLA KONSTRUKSI POSESIF DIALEK AMBON DENGANHome / Archives / Vol. Similar Articles. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tanda verbal dan visual serta makna di balik rangkaian tanda yang terdapat pada e-poster larangan mudik selama pandemi Covid 19 terjadi Indonesia pada akun sosial media instagram Kementerian Perhubungan di Kabinet Indonesia Maju 2019-2024, yaitu @kemehub151. Totobuang, Vol. Impact Factor. 180—184. Jurnal Linguistik Indonesia, 28(1), 55—67. Sudah mempublikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam jurnal sebanyak 292. 7 no. Luas wilayahnyaWebKantor Bahasa Provinsi Maluku (KBPM) menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pembinaan dan Sosialisasi Lembaga dalam Pengutamaan Bahasa Negara di Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru. Such overlapping use can lead to misunderstanding. Analisis Nilai Budaya Dalam Cerita Rakyat Maluku Air Tukang 2. 5 No 1 Juni 2017) Keraf, Goris. Similar Articles. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. hlm. Jurnal Totobuang, 6(2). Jurnal Seuneubok Lada, 2(1). (1991). Analisis Nilai Budaya Dalam Cerita. Jakarta: Rajawali. 1 (2021): TOTOBUANG, EDISI JUNI 2021 / Articles UMPATAN DALAM BAHASA JAWA DAN BAHASA LAMPUNG: KAJIAN PRAGMATIK LINTAS BUDAYA [The Swearing Words in Javanese and Lampungic Language: A Study of Cross Culture Pragmatics]. PERPUSTAKAAN KANTOR BAHASA PROVINSI MALUKUKantor Bahasa Provinsi Maluku melaksanakan kegiatan Sosialisasi Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia di Ruang Publik Se-Kabupaten Buru Selatan pada 30 April 2021. Komunitas tersebut melakukan ritual musikal totobuang sebagai upaya untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi yang berkualitas dan melalui ritual tersebut nilai-nilaiKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi. WebJurnal Totobuang 2015 Penulis lainnya. (2020). The study entitled "Interjection of the novel Donyane. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Daftar isi Jurnal Totobuang : jurnal ilmiah kebahasaan dan kesastraan volume 8 nomor 2 Desember 2020 antara lain 1. Therefore, this study. Mardawati, Swarmi dkk. PERPUSTAKAANTotobuang is a journal that publish results of research or conceptual idea in linguistics and literary studies, also aspects of teaching. Palimbong, C. HM. Sinta 4. Therefore, the conclusion is Alune and Wemale languages are two related languages and belong to the family or language. 0. (2007). Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 0 International License. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Journal By Google Scholar All: Since 2018: Citation: 332. 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This research is focused on Banggoi and Hoti languages spoken by the people in West Bula District, East Seram Regency, Maluku Province. 0 International License. Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah Tujuh Bidadari dari Kayangan dengan The Swan Maidens dari London, Analisis Unsur Intrinsik Sastra Bandingan. Strategi dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di era revolusi Industri 4. 2 (2022): TOTOBUANG, Edisi Desember 2022 / Articles Proses Fonologis pada Tuturan Bahasa Indonesia oleh Idol Penutur Korea dalam Variety Show “Halo82: NCT Dream” Phonological Process of Indonesian Speech by Native Korean Idols on the Variety Show “Halo82: NCT Dream”Journal History; Contact Us; Accreditation . Similar Articles Agus Yulianto, MITOS-MITOS BERBASIS SUNGAI DALAM CERITA RAKYAT DI KALIMANTAN SELATAN [Associated with River Myths in The South Kalimantan Folklore] , TOTOBUANG: Vol. Strategi Kesantunan Bahasa pada Anak-anak Usia Prasekolah: Mengungkapkan Keinginan. Kritik Antonio Gramsci Terhadap. 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